Thursday, November 1, 2007

Last Day at PIL

After 14 years and 7 months, my last day at PIL was on Friday, October 19, and I was given a lovely going-away party. Carrie, Jennifer, Kara, and Doug were primarily responsible. (Laura helped with decorations.) It was nice, although it was kind of strange--most of my old friends are gone, and there were people there whose names I didn't even know! It struck me that it's a different era there now, and it wasn't entirely a bad thing to be moving on. We ate lots of good food, and I told everyone how on my very first day (when I worked in the Visual Resource Center), Terri had told me she was glad she didn't have my job. After the party, I finished cleaning out my office cleaned, had my exit interview, turned in my swipe card, ended the PIL chapter of my life, and headed to the Bringer Inn to celebrate.


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