Monday, March 3, 2008

Yes We Can -- Stop Puppy Mills

Brenda forwarded me this link about a new book coming out soon about puppy mills. It features the story of Baby, a poodle who was rescued from a California puppy mill after enduring typically horribly conditions and treatment. One of the famous people in the book shown holding Baby is Barack Obama, who supports legislation to close puppy mills and various related loopholes. This is an issue close to my heart, since my dog Chloe spent her first year of life locked in a cage at a puppy mill until she was rescued by Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue. When I found her picture online (years ago), she was living with a foster family in Wisconsin, and she had a number of emotional problems. But she has turned out to be a sweet, loving, goofy, good-hearted dog, and I'm very thankful for her.


Candy or Jo said...

My black cat, Ole, must've had a similar experience during her first six weeks alive in the Human Society (which I refer to as "The Orphanage"). She's afraid of toilet paper (unused) and is often seen leaping into the air after an unseen flying varmint. It's not always easy being her adoptive mom, but she's so very, very sweet.

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