Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Our Strange and Wonderful Lives

After wearing pedometers and realizing how often we don't hit the 10,000-steps-a-day goal, Tomkin and I have been trying to ramp up our walking again. It's good for the dogs, too, to get out and walk every day. Yesterday we walked WAY down Grand Avenue and made a few stops along the way. Friday night we had watched the original Father of the Bride, and yesterday we rented the remake and watched it after enjoying dinner at Pizza Luce. (It was so nice to get to eat pizza there again!) I've been reading lots of wedding books recently, especially wedding etiquette books. Very interesting! With just over two weeks until the wedding now, I feel like I'm in cramming mode. In fact, I'm not really making plans at this point, so I'll have as much time as possible to attend to all those last-minute items on my to-do list (plus, I'm surprisingly busy with work!). However, some odd things have been popping up.... For instance, on Thursday someone from NPR is coming over to interview Tomkin about renting our house for the Republican National Convention. They found the Web site he made about it and want to include him in a piece about how the RNC will affect the people who live here. He's officiating a wedding on Wednesday night (an unusual time), so we decided we should try a new LNHH place later in the evening. Then on Friday (Tomkin's birthday!), we're hosting a wedding at our house. Just found out about this one today. I will be acting as a witness, as will our housekeeper, who was planning to be here on Friday anyway. Oh, and on top of all this, Tomkin's friend Tracy is completely redoing our plumbing this week. Our lives are a little odd sometimes--and I love it!


Lucas said...

Sounds like you guys have a TON going on right now. That sounds about right for people just several weeks out from their wedding. Enjoy the ride!

Jo said...

Happy Birthday, Tomkin!

Carisita said...

Too cool to be interviewed for NPR! Be sure to post the link to the NPR story when it airs, if possible!

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