Monday, December 3, 2007

Yes, This Is the Minnesota I Remember...

On Saturday, Tomkin and I had planned to go to the Grand Meander on nearby Grand Avenue. We'd thought it would be fun if we got a little snow while we and the dogs were meandering about. Well, be careful what you wish for! We did, indeed, get snow--the first snowstorm of the year. And we decided to make the mile trek down to Grand Avenue anyway, a decision I would seriously come to regret, especially during the mile walk home, when the wind was whipping snow needles into our face, and we were dragging ourselves through unshoveled inches of snow. At least we were able to go into a couple stores and warm up for a few minutes. But all in all, it was really horrible. I don't know if I've ever been so happy to get back to a warm, dry house! (The dogs were miserable, too, but fashionable in their new backpacks.) We had originally planned to get a Christmas tree that day, but after the Meandering Debacle, neither of us wanted to go back outside.


Spencer said...

The word Minnesota has always meant cold to the nth degree to me. Keep it away from Philly please.

Candy or Jo said...

Tomkin looks a bit like a somewhat demented gnome in this photo -- is that perhaps his holiday occupation?

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