Tuesday, October 23, 2007

We're Gonna Make It After All

Yes, the dogs and I finally made it to the land of Mary Tyler Moore! (Okay, technically she lived in Minneapolis, and we live in St. Paul.) We arrived on Sunday night, and WOW was it a relief to finally get here. The week before was insane, with packing at work and at home, training people to take over my job, and saying a lot of good-byes. Yesterday and today I've been in "vacation mode" with Tomkin, trying to enjoy a couple days off before my 6,000 [literally] pounds of stuff arrives. We've been taking the dogs for walks, going to the AMAZING dog park, taking naps, reading, and even watching a little TV. It's been heavenly. I apologize to anyone who's e-mailed or called or sent text messages in the recent past--I owe correspondence to a lot of you. (And even though I haven't gotten back to you, I've enjoyed hearing from you!) I hope to catch up with people soon (though, admittedly, once my stuff arrives I'll be busy unpacking, and then I'll be starting up work again--albeit freelance--next week). However, I really will try! I also hope to catch up on some postings here soon--my last lunch with the Game Day Girls, my last day at work and the celebration afterward at the Bringer Inn, my last night in Chicago (out to the Hopleaf with Lisa), and my first days in St. Paul. Right now I'm still in relaxation mode, but I'll get back to productive mode soon. You betcha!


Jo said...

You're there. Ta da!! Now comes the real fun!! Enjoy yourselves and take plenty of time settling in. Your throngs of fans will wait.

Love you!

Kerri said...

Hurray! I'm glad to read the update. Don't worry about writing us back; just enjoy your start on a new life and keep us filled in when possible....

Love of love from Chicago!

Mary Beth said...

Glad to hear you made it safe! To think you were on your way in as I was on my way out. Take your time unpacking -- it's overrated!

Candy or Jo said...

Welcome to St. Paul! When I used to live there on Snelling Ave., I had a t-shirt that said, "Is Minneapolis really necessary?"

Carisita said...

Hooray you made it! I'm sure it's still a pretty crazy time right now, but I look forward to catching up with you soon about the move, Spain, everything! (This would preferably be over the phone, since you well know how I suck at email!) Say hi to Tomkin for me, and I'll be thinking of you at Cindy's perty tomorrow!

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