Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A Few of My Favorite Things

Speaking of favorite things....Kelly recently posted a list of some of her favorite things on her blog (and Jo did the same for Alejandro), so I decided to follow suit. Here are a few of the things I love, in no particular order:

1. When Scout and Chloe excitedly meet me at the door, like it's the best part of their day.
2. The smell of fresh lilacs.
3. Going out to dinner with friends.
4. Falling asleep on the couch.
5. Walking the dogs so early in the morning that everything's still and quiet.
6. Tivo!
7. Peanut M-n-Ms, Toblerones, Chippers, malted milk balls, honey roasted peanuts, and Nutella.
8. Reading (or writing) a beautifully crafted sentence.
9. Reunions.
10. Being with Tomkin.

Have a list of your own? Post it in the comments section.


Kelly said...

What a wonderful list! Except I think you cheated: number seven clearly counts as six items.

Kerri said...

Not if you mix them all into one delicious ice cream....

Jo said...

Sigh. Remember when trouncing your friends on Game Night made the cut? Those were the days.

Jules said...

Oh, trust me, a little Game Night butt-kicking and smack-talking is still high on my list!

Sharon said...

What about pink pudding, Jules?

Sharon said...

What about how much you love having your Mom sing along to the Golden Oldies while riding in the car with her? Or better yet, your Mom and your WAFF, Candy?

Jules said...

Oh, gosh, did I leave that off the list? Well, remember this isn't exhaustive--it's just a FEW of the things I love. And what's better than Mom & Candy singing--except perhaps one of your synchronized swimming performances?

Candy or Jo said...

NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING will EVER top our syncronized swimming! If only we'd videotaped it! This is not to diminish our singing skills -- perhaps our finest was "Duke of Earl" and Jules and Brenda should be grateful they were with us!

Candy or Jo said...

By the way -- I was going to assemble a list of my LEAST favorite things, but it got so long that my PC ran out of memory! Spiders, of course, topped the list, closely followed by every other bug known to man or beast!

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