Sunday, April 15, 2007

Henry & Sisu: Fighting to Be Friends

An update on the feline contingent of the household: I think Henry has settled in remarkably well. For the most part, he seems to feel right at home, after only having been in this new home for two weeks now. Sisu tries to reach out and be affectionate, even licking Henry on the head, but Henry seems more interested in jumping on top of Sisu and pinning him down in a vampire-like hold. Regardless, I trust that they're just figuring out their respective places in the pack and will be the best of some point. Granted, everything changes when the dogs are around (which they haven't been this week, since they're with Bill & Laura). Henry seems to be focused on the whole "those dogs are 100-pound lion hunters," not realizing they are actually chickens in the guise of dogs. But whatever. I'll leave them to work out their power struggles. I will say, the most exciting new addition to my home this week has been a Dyson vacuum cleaner (one specifically made to conquer pet hair). I was inspired by Kelly, who lent me hers. WOW is that thing amazing. I won't say I love IT (even though I really kind of do)--I'll say I love what it accomplishes. And with four pets in a one-bedroom apartment, that is no small feat.


Jo said...

I want a Dyson!! We don't even have carpeting...yet, I want a Dyson!

Candy or Jo said...

Define: Vacuum cleaner. If something is truly a vacuum, why would it have to be cleaned?

Kerri said...

Henry and Sisu are good fighters just like any proper brothers should be. I can't wait for more updates (and pictures)!

Kelly said...

Congrats on the Dyson! I will go so far as to say I love mine. Love, love, love it.

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