Monday, September 10, 2007


Sorry it's been a while since I last posted anything. I spent much of last week preparing for the rummage sale that Mary Beth graciously hosted on Saturday. Man, do I have a lot of stuff! I brought two carloads of items for the rummage sale out to Mary Beth's house, and whatever didn't sell, I donated. Two carloads full! And to look around my apartment, you wouldn't even know. I have six weeks until the move and lots more stuff to get rid of! In reflecting on my stuff, I was reminded of George Carlin's classic stand-up routine about stuff. Funny...and true. Anyway, Kerri, Kelly (and Airan and Evie and Sophie) and I got out to Mary Beth's about 7:00 on Saturday morning. The day was surprisingly slow; we just didn't get a lot of traffic. We did get to talk to Joanna, which was a treat! We're keeping our fingers crossed that she and Alejandro will be home this month. (!!!) We wrapped things up about 1:00 (then ran stuff to a resale shop, ate lunch, and cleaned up). I made $72, though when you factor in two trips to the suburbs (gas, tolls, and time) and the hours I spent preparing for the sale, then being at the sale, it was hardly worth it for the money. But it was great to get rid of some excess stuff, and it was fun hanging out with MB, Kelly, Kerri, and the very cute kiddos.


Kerri said...

I think we should have taken a shot-by-shot account of you in all of your bridesmaid and formal dresses. Blog readers need to see these things!

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