Saturday, August 18, 2007

Out with the Old...

Yesterday afternoon, Jessica came over to help me go through--and toss out--some of my excess stuff. It was pretty exhausting, since I was constantly battling her about what should and shouldn't be thrown away. We eventually managed to fill up three garbage bags full of paper, including pay stubs from my job at Lord & Taylor, years-old articles I had always meant to read, and reference materials for my thesis. She even helped me carry the bags out to the dumpster to ensure that I wouldn't go back and pull anything out. That Jessica is a tough (and smart!) woman.


Jo said...

The stubs from Lord & Taylor crack me up since I've know you for seven plus years and I didn't know you worked there ever! Purge! Purge! Purge!!

Kelly said...

Jessica is a brave woman. Good work!

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