Monday, June 25, 2007

A Whirlwind Weekend in the Windy City

So I headed back to Chicago on Tuesday night...and Tomkin flew out to Chicago on Thursday. Friday we went out to lunch with Kelly, Mary Beth, and their four kids. Then Tomkin hung out with me at work for the rest of the afternoon. That night we went to the Bad Dog Tavern for the reveal party for Carrie (from work), who had been in New York all week, shopping and getting made over for "What Not to Wear." That was quite a party! Carrie and Lisa came along, too. And I also got to see Jessica! Saturday, Tomkin and I went to the dog beach. The dogs were quite taken with him, and he was great with them. He's already getting them to be better behaved. That evening we went to "Jerry Springer: The Opera," which was hilarious. Yesterday Tomkin came to church with me, and then we joined other parishioners on the Holy Covenant float in the Pride Parade. That was crazy! There were thousands of people along the route, and we waved, cheered, high-fived, and danced along the way. It was quite a celebration. Tomkin headed back to the Cities last night, but I'll be seeing him again in 11 days, when I go back up to St. Paul!


Kelly said...

That sounds like a full weekend!!

I'm amazed that our Bennigan's waiter managed to get a pic with everyone looking at the camera on the first try -- with four toddlers at the table!

Candy or Jo said...

Thank heavens Tomkin likes animals or he wouldn't have a prayer with Jules! Or the REST of us for that matter!

Sharon said...

You two really do make a very cute couple, Jules!

Kerri said...

Sounds like a great weekend, Jules. You're leaving me exhausted by your various exploits, though. Remember: You're an old lady.

Jo said...

I, too, am exhausted just reading these last couple posts. Exhausted, but absolutely thrilled that you're having such a blast! Woohoo!

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