Saturday, April 5, 2008

One Week to Go!

It's still kind of hard for me to believe that Tomkin and I are getting married one week from today. In fact, by this time next week, we'll be husband and wife. Wow! We are definitely ready. I've been reading so many wedding books and focusing on so many wedding details, I'm just ready to have the party and get married! Unfortunately, we've been fighting colds this week, but we're trying to rest up so we'll be in top form for next weekend's celebration. We had a pretty low-key week--lunch with Tomkin's folks on Wednesday, dinner with Pete at the Birchwood Cafe on Thursday, and lots of walks with the dogs. We're keeping busy with work and with last-minute wedding stuff. Our housekeeper was here for 6-1/2 hours yesterday getting the house into tip-top shape. All of the major wedding stuff is done now; we've just got minor stuff to take care of this week. I expect we'll stay plenty busy, though. (I apologize if I owe you a phone call or e-mail! At this point, I probably won't get back to you until after the honeymoon.) I'm having a spa day on Tuesday, and our first guests arrive on Thursday. I'll try to post again a couple times before all the festivities begin. One week!!!


Lucas said...

Enjoy yourself Julie! I'm so excited for you both. Have an amazing week.

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