Friday, November 13, 2009

Hawaii Trip - Day Five (10/25/09): Boogie Board or Bust!

Sunday morning we had a quick breakfast up at the main house, and then we headed to the Kona Farmers' Market. We got some great stuff! Tomkin bought a beautiful handmade wooden cutting board, and we talked for a while to the guy who makes them. I bought a ring, and Tomkin got himself a leather wrist cuff and got each of us a beaded bracelet. Tomkin also got a slice of quiche and some sugar-free chocolate. I bought a couple handmade magnets, and we got some locally made soaps. John-Paul (boyfriend of our B&B owner) was there playing live music, and we also ran into the other couple staying at our B&B. Everyone was really friendly, and we enjoyed checking out what all the different vendors had for sale. We left a little after 10:00 and headed for the Magic Sands Beach. (Sometimes the surf drags away all the sand on the beach; it is also known as the Disappearing Sands Beach.) Part of it was sandy, and part of it was covered with lava rocks. I got comfy under a palm tree while Tomkin went and rented a couple boogie boards. At first we just splashed around in the water and watched other people. Then we grabbed our boards and gave it a try. My first couple attempts were big wipeouts--I would catch the wave at the wrong time, get pulled under, twist around, whack my head on the bottom, and come up a little dazed. Thank goodness the boards have a "leash" to connect to your wrist, or mine would have been long gone! We got some good advice from other people--the best, for me, being to always keep the front of the board UP. After a couple more tries, I was surprised that I was actually pretty good at it! It was really satisfying to catch a wave and ride it all the way in! Tomkin caught some of the highlights on video:

Of course Tomkin was really good, too. He's so fearless! We took a break to go wash off (the saltwater was really tough on me--I could hardly open my eyes) and eat some lunch. It was fun to watch the other people on the beach and in the water. Some of them were really good boogie boarders! And the kids "skim" the shallow water or try to surf. Tomkin and I eventually decided to go back in. There was a big sea turtle swimming around--I accidentally kicked it! Tomkin saw him come up for air. Then I think he got smart and swam off (the turtle, not Tomkin). I caught a couple good waves, but then I had a really bad wipeout. The board hit my leg so hard it cramped up and it also hit me in the ribs. I kept trying to go again, but my side was really hurting. Plus I could hardly see because of the saltwater and bright sun. So we decided to call it a day. Unfortunately, I think I pushed it a little too much. No matter how much I rinsed off, I couldn't get the salt out of my eyes. It didn't hurt, exactly, but I was in extreme discomfort. I poured some cold water onto one of Tomkin's T-shirts and rested it on my eyes while he drove us home. He pulled into a gas station and came out with more water, Aleve, kleenex, and peanut M-n-Ms. Such good medicine! (And such an amazing husband!!) As soon as we got home, we each took a shower (I couldn't believe how much sand was in my swimsuit!), and then we laid on the bed with cold compresses over our eyes and rested for a while. I hated to spend precious daylight hours indoors, but I really didn't feel like doing anything else. Eventually I brought the computer up to the main house and checked my e-mail and Facebook. Tomkin spent much of the evening putting together the boogie-boarding video. We noshed on some food in the room, I read and relaxed, and we went to bed early. (My ribs were pretty sore, and it was kind of hard for me to breathe.) It's funny because when we originally thought "tropical vacation" we had pictured a lot of lazing in the sun. Turns out that's not really what either of us wants to do! We'd rather get out and DO stuff. So this vacation involved a lot of adventures--but don't get me wrong, we did plenty of relaxing, too!


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