Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mid-July Already, Is It?

So I really do still intend to catch up on many of the goings-on from the past couple months. There's a lot to blog about--trips, dinners with friends, parties, dog-park outings, and even a recent go at kite-flying. In June I was swamped with work, and I spent many (many!) hours whittling down wedding photos to our "favorite" 700. (Which have now been ordered from my next task will be to put them in albums and frames.) Tomkin's been busy with weddings, and we're still in that newlywed phase where we love spending as much time as possible together. We take Chloe for a walk every day, and we have a ridiculous amount of fun, even if we're just sitting on the couch, talking. I will confess that I recently joined Facebook, and that's been a minor addiction, so if I'm on the computer for non-work purposes, it's often to send Pieces of Flair or to play Scramble or Scrabulous. This weekend I'm heading up north to attend the Fertile Fair with Brenda. She's been wanting me to go for years, and this year (since I now live within relatively easy driving distance) I'm finally going to make it! Tomkin has a busy weekend planned himself--for one thing, our house is going to be featured in the Lex-Ham Garden Walk (from 10:00am to 1:00pm on Saturday, if you want to stop by). Next week we've got birthday celebrations, Paws on Grand, and a BBQ at our house. Hmmm...I'm not really sure when I'm going to catch up on all this blogging. Well, winter should be here in a couple weeks--maybe I'll do it then!


Lucas said...

Constantly feeling the stress of 'having to catch up' can be exhausting. Instead, just post when you can and forget the rest. Everything will be alright and we will all still love you just as much. There is no 'HAVE TO' in the bloggosphere!

Jo said...

Garden walk! How fun! Post photos, please. If there were a Weed Walk our house would be the main attraction.

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