Thursday, June 28, 2007
The Day of Knowledge

Dining & Drinking

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Salute to a Soldier
On Sunday, my great-uncle Charles Lindberg passed away at the age of 86. Chuck was the last survivor among the men who raised the original flag on Iwo Jima.
A Whirlwind Weekend in the Windy City

Best Reunion Ever!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Short Hiatus
Just a quick note to say that my college reunion this past weekend was amazing! I left on Thursday and just got home last night (thus the lack of posts until now). I'll write more and put up some photos in a few days--probably not until Sunday or Monday. Thanks to all of you for checking in!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Ghoulish Fun
We had a Ghoul Pool winner today for the first time in seven weeks (from the death of Guy de Rothschild). Unfortunately, it wasn't me! I haven't won since 1995. Hmph. I've been running the Ghoul Pool at work for about seven years now. (It was started long before that; I just inherited it.) To play, you bet on celebrities you think are going to die (they must be newsworthy and not have a pre-existing condition). There are different ways to play this game; the way we do it is to pay 50 cents per name per week; whenever one of your people dies, you get all the money in the pool. My biggest win ever was for Gregory Peck; I won almost $1400. (That's an unusually large win.) There are currently 160 names and 19 players in our pool. Here are the names I have: Louise Bourgeois, Robert Byrd, Beverly Cleary, Lucian Freud, Miep Gies, Sir Edmund Hillary, Stan Musial, I. M. Pei, Luise Rainer, and Sherwood Schwartz.
Tube Time
If you haven't already seen it, there's a good article about the Sopranos finale on Salon.com. And there's a good write-up about Rescue Me on MSNBC; the new season premieres tonight.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Hi, My Name Is Julie, and I'm a Volunteer with the Obama Campaign....

Yee Haw! Matt's 30, Y'all

Friday night, a group of us met at Carol's Pub to help cowboy Matt celebrate his 30th birthday. We downed cheap pitchers of beer, picked out some tunes from the jukebox, and kicked up our heels on the dance floor. It was some good ol'
down-home fun.

Thursday, June 7, 2007
Blame It on Baseball
To regular (and new) readers of my blog, I apologize for the dearth of posts this week. After eight months of editing the baseball book that so many of you have heard me complain about, we're finally wrapping it up this week. I've been working frantically day and night (with a quick break last night to take Scout & Chloe to the dog park) to get this book done. Hopefully, I shall soon re-emerge to live and post again! I'll be at Matt's 30th birthday party Friday night, and then a group of us are leaving early (6:30am) on Saturday morning to go campaign in Iowa for Obama, so I doubt I'll be posting for the next few days. However, once back from the trip, I'm hoping to have some good photos--perhaps of Obama himself, who is supposed to be in Iowa to cheer us on! Woo hoo!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
The Fat Lady's About to Sing
There's a good article on Salon about the wrap-up of The Sopranos. (Caution: Do not read this if you're behind in this season's viewing.)
Monday, June 4, 2007
We're Number One, Part II
Chicagoans complain a lot about the mail, and now we know why. We have the worst mail service in the country!
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Cheers to the Capital Campaign

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